I'm Melanie Love: Well-loved wife to Kelly. Mom of two grown sons. Mema to Gabriel. Life-long southern girl (but give me COFFEE -- the hot variety! -- over sweet tea any time). I also love dogs (every single one!), birds, rainy days and (did I mention?) COFFEE ??
I hope you'll read something here that will encourage or challenge you in your walk with Jesus. I'd love for you to share the site, a post you particularly like, and even a "Share-Square" or two!
The same persistent, loving Lord Who inspired JourneyWords eleven years ago... He never gives up on me. Go HERE to read about how Ephesians 2:10 confirms the undeniable call of God to not only "Go and tell", but to "Go and do".
He's already arranged
the opportunities...
Just stay on Your "E-2:10 road"!
Morning and Evening
An entire year of timeless devotional messages to start and end your day, penned by the inimitable Charles H. Spurgeon.