For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.
~ Ephesians 2:10 VOICE
What's your Road?

Hello, and Welcome!

I'm Melanie Love: Well-loved wife to Kelly. Mom of two grown sons. Mema to Gabriel. Life-long southern girl (but give me COFFEE -- the hot variety! -- over sweet tea any time). I also love dogs (every single one!), birds, rainy days and (did I mention?) COFFEE ??
I hope you'll read something here that will encourage or challenge you in your walk with Jesus. I'd love for you to share the site, a post you particularly like, and even a "Share-Square" or two!
The same persistent, loving Lord Who inspired JourneyWords eleven years ago... He never gives up on me. Go HERE to read about how Ephesians 2:10 confirms the undeniable call of God to not only "Go and tell", but to "Go and do".
He's already arranged
the opportunities...
Just stay on Your "E-2:10 road"!
Links I Love to Share:
Do you know Jesus? JourneyWords, and everything else, will take on a deeper meaning when you know Jesus Christ as your Savior. He is waiting to meet you where you are. Start here!
Great resource forBible reading, studytools, devotionals, commentaries, and more!Listen to the Word online!
Powerful Bible-teaching ministry of Alister Begg. Archive of sermons to encourage and challenge. Searchable by topic.Listen online!
An entire year of timeless devotional messages to start and end your day, penned by the inimitable Charles H. Spurgeon.